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GT3000 Toxic Gas Detector毒氣氣體探測儀
GT3000 Toxic Gas Detector毒氣氣體探測儀

The Det-Tronics GT3000 line of electrochemical fixed-point toxic-gas detectors provides continuous monitoring of the atmosphere for potentially hazardous toxic gas leaks or oxygen depletion.
The GT3000 family currently includes sensors that detect each of the following gases (additional gases added soon):
+ hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
+ oxygen (O2)
+ carbon monoxide (CO)
+ ammonia (NH3)
+ chlorine (Cl2)
+ sulfur dioxide (SO2)
A complete GT3000 detector consists of a transmitter (GTX) and a sensor module (GTS). The transmitter generates a 4-20mA output signal with HART that is proportional to the concentration of the target gas and corresponds directly to 0-100% full scale output.
Although compatible with the FlexVu Universal Display, the GT3000 is approved as a stand-alone unit and supports local calibration without the FlexVu display.
- The GT3000 detectors simplify service and maintenance tasks by allowing the sensor to be changed under power without de-classification of hazardous areas and by providing easily accessible event log records via the HART communication protocol.
- Inventory costs and technician training costs stay low because the same transmitter is used for all GT3000 detectors. Commonality of design allows users to simply attach a variety of GT3000 sensors to transmitters.
Reliable - The GT3000 family of detectors is well suited for hazardous locations and has been tested by a third party to the Ingress Protection standard, achieving the IP66 rating.
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